The Heritage Park Oslob Cebu

After Our lunch,2:30pm

Go back to Oslob New Village Lodge -To rest....

From our Lodge is a few kilometer going to Oslob Heritage Park.

Church of the Immaculate Conception
The old stone church at the townproper of Oslob in Cebu. 
Located 117 kilometers southeast of Cebu City is the town of Oslob. 
Oslob was established as a visita of Boljoon in 1690 and became an independent parish in 1848 with the Immaculate Conception as its patroness. The present day church of cut coral stone was built by Fr. Julian Bermejo in May 4, 1830 following the plans of Cebu Bishop Santos Gomez Marañon and was finished 18 years later. The buttresses that would later on form part of this very massive church were added by Fr. Juan Aragones between 1848 and 1850. The adjacent bell tower was built in 1858. The church was burned during the Second World War liberating Philippine Commonwealth troops and Cebuano guerillas against the Japanese in Oslob in 1945, and 1955 but was eventually restored.


Located front-right of the church of Oslob, just outside the perimeter stone fence and near the sea, at the intersection of Calle Aeternidad and the end of Calle Aragones, an unfinished building made of coral blocks resembling a Spanish-era barracks stand. This unfinished structure was the cuartel, intended for the Spanish soldiers or guardia civil. It was started by Fray Juan Jose Aragones (1848–1854, 1859–1861) during his second term of service in this municipality. While it was not finished by Fray Aragones, work continued but remained unfinished until the end of Spanish occupation in 1898.

The Baluarte (Spanish for watchtower) of Oslob was built in 1788. Its main purpose was to provide a safe place wherein guards can observe the surrounding area. It was a part of the defense system in dispelling the Moro raiders of the past,that included 6 other watchtowers along the coastline of Oslob.

By the bay park. the park will give you a picturesque view of the ocean waters as well as its nearby island. It provides the perfect scenery for that romantic walk in the park.

As we enjoy the sunset at the bay park.

Very relaxing place! I'll probably come back to this place...


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